I have always loved you, summer.
Maybe it's because when I was a kid summer meant weeks at my grandma's at the beach. Or because in high school it meant arts festivals and marching band camp. Or because in college it meant spending more time with Sarah. Or because it's synonymous with 2.5 months of vacation. This year, it's meant coffee, libraries, camps for just about every possible age-group, and a revival of my blogging habit. As of today.
ok embarrassing admission... I almost teared up a little in the car today, the theme to "Dawson's Creek" came on the radio... I watched a few episodes of the show in high school, and I remember it dealing with some of the same issues that I was dealing with at the time. listening to it today made me wonder 1) what shows / songs / books / etc. are speaking to the issues that people are dealing with today and 2) why was I in such a hurry to move on then... and why do I sometimes feel like I haven't ?
not really going anywhere with this... i guess maybe I've lost my knack for blogging. or I never had it. or I never really went anywhere with my posts and I am just now realizing it... who knows.