Tuesday, July 9, 2013


Here's a poem I wrote for an open mic night called the Space Inside in Wicklow Town.  I believe the event was video'd, and may possibly show up on you tube (past events at the SpaceInside are on youtube) but until then, here's the poem.  


By J.Ted Voigt

Let us seek therefore
not a foundation but a firmament
constant and eternal
yet changing in every moment
through every season
and from every angle new
let what is true stand not on cold stone
but lie in wet grass
with backs turned to groundedness
gazing starward wondering
These Wanderers our founding fathers
These constellations comprise our epistles
For on this earth
We have far too many towers built of stone
Not nearly enough built of stars

Monday, July 8, 2013

Recent Writings

I've been trying to collect some of what I have been writing lately so that if anyone who happens upon this blog wants to read it they can.  That was a poorly written sentence, for example, and now I will end this post, but first I will point your attention to the new list of links in the sidebar.  It will be growing gradually.


Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Bad Blogging

Sorry, faithful blog followers. 

I feel like once a year or so I make a blog post that says "aw crap, I'm bad at blogging" so... this may be mine for 2013 buuuuut...

I am.  This time I do have some excuses...  I am working on three (3!) legit (legit!) writing projects right now, so I feel like, smug, about ignoring the blog...  what a waste of time....

My other excuse has to do with this whole "I'm in Ireland" thing I have going on, and it's gorgeous outside and I should be on my bike or in the woods or at least in my front garden, but I'm on the computer... writing...

 It's not that I think blogging is unimportant, I'm just bad at it. 

So forgive me.... and I'll try to do better.