Thursday, August 28, 2008


I've been reading NT Wright's "Suprised by Hope" and my mind is repeatedly being blow over and over again...

I'm in the section right now that's talking about heaven, purgatory, and hell... well I read it yesterday but I'm still just now processing... and I just wanted to share one quick thought.

Wright describes sin as the destruction of the image of God in you, which can be done by a number of different practices. He then goes on to describe the Christian's work as the restoration of the image of God in us, and reflecting it in all of creation.

SO rather than the classic 1990s fad WWJD, what we need to ask ourselves, really we can ask of every thought and action we do... WTETIOGIM?

Will This Enhance The Image Of God In Me?

It seems to me that all moral decisions, all matters of spiritual formation, really any decisions, can be based on this, or a corollary... something like

Will this damage the image of God in me?
Will this enhance/damage the image of God in someone else?


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