Monday, May 18, 2009

Coming Soon...

It's official, I saw it on the web. Here. On the right, toward the bottom, under "Forthcoming."

That's right! Pages Called Holy is the title of my forthcoming collection of Poems. The publishers said I should receive my author's copy in a few weeks!

I'll let you know how it looks!


Paul Sheneman said...

Awesome! Can't wait to get a copy. Hopefully, the author will sign it for me:)

Sarah said...

I know! I am super excited too!!

CHRISandBETH said...

put me down for a copy too! look at're going to have a Dewey decimal number!

Rick Rosenkranz said...

Great news, Ted. I want to know your secret to getting published. I have my own slew of poetry waiting to get out there...

J. Ted Voigt said...

Hey Rick,

Yeah, I got no secret, but I can tell you what I did, it was pretty simple, though time-consuming. First I researched companies, looking at similar books and going to the publisher's website. Then if it looked like they would be a good fit for me, I did what they said on the website. For Wipf and Stock they had a very specific list of proposal requirements, and I had to send them a proposal that was pretty extensive. And they liked it, and the rest is history. But other companies I got little or no response from, so it's pretty hit or miss. Let me know where you're at and I'd love to talk to you more about it!

thanks for stopping by the blog!
