Friday, September 18, 2009

Stories and a Song

I'm almost employed again, but not quite yet, which means I still have had a lot of time to write and work on new project ideas...

I think the best idea I've been working on lately is a set of sci-fi-ish short stories. I say sci-fi-ish because they are mostly set in future or alternate times, but not typical sci-fi. A traditional sci-fi story, in my understanding, takes a basic premise, real or fictional, and shows the way things would be different. What if aliens landed on earth, for example, or what if cars could fly, or what if we colonized mars. The stories I'm working on are similar, but revolving around a premise that is more theological in nature than scientific. The stories themselves would feel a lot like sci-fi, but have theological implications. For example, I'm working on a story about a boy who lives in massive city that is built over the ruins of a 21st century village, and as he is exploring (with his antique GPS) he discovers an ancient book. It then goes on to examine the way a society in the future might view religion.

So, I don't know who all reads this blog, but if you know someone who might be interested in publishing said short story collection, send them my way!

Meanwhile, I've got a few new poems coming out here and there, my book is still selling (to my surprise) and I finished this song for my church. Thoughts?

Our Stories
Written for the Aldersgate Community of Richland Church of the Nazarene


These are our stories
stories of sinners and lost sheep
we're broken and hurting
and you , you brought us back
with our friends and our families
to a gym in the desert
You did your work in us
You, You brought us home

Verse 1
Back before we knew You
we might have lived
but not like this
and you started to speak
like a foghorn in the darkness
through Your word and creation
You called us out to You

Verse 2
When we thought we knew You
we were alive
but not for You
and then you started to speak
like a bell in the distance
through the stops on the journey
You brought us back to you

Verse 3
Now we know You love us
You died for us
we live for You
and we will start to speak
like a story being read
to our friends and our family
You send us out for You

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